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virtual meetings

Four Ways To improve Your Video Meetings

Today, working from home with the use of Zoom meetings and video conference calls has become commonplace for millions of working adults around the world. Whether you are a regional marketer, a preschool teacher, or even a doctor, knowing how to improve your video meetings can help to streamline your daily tasks while allowing you to remain as productive and efficient as possible, regardless of surrounding circumstances and external factors and events.   

Know Your Surroundings

  Remaining aware and conscious of your surroundings at all times is key when hosting or attending a video conference, even if you are not a main speaker or presenter. Whenever you are on a video conference, consider the noise level of where you are as well as other potential distractions that you may be presenting to attendees and team members.   Remove distractions, bright lights, and loud or abrasive noises from your environment before logging on and jumping into a video conference yourself.   

Have a Backup Charger

  Carrying a backup charger with your laptop or streaming device is always advisable, even if you do not attend video conferences regularly or routinely. When working remotely or when out of the office, a backup charger can guarantee your ability to connect and communicate, which is imperative if you are working while traveling or working while on the go.   Keeping a backup charger on you at all times is essential to minimize downtime and distractions or disruptions, especially when you are required to attend regular weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly virtual meetings and conference calls.  

Use a Bluetooth Headset to Avoid Feedback

  One way to help improve the overall environment of your video meeting is to use a Bluetooth headset. Using a Bluetooth headset is seamless and can help you to avoid feedback, which is ideal for larger group meetings and video conference calls. With a Bluetooth headset, you can also drastically minimize or eliminate feedback altogether. The more users you have attending a conference or a virtual video call, the more feedback you are likely to encounter without the proper audio and video setups in place.  

Reduce Bandwidth Used in Your Home

  If you notice that your connection is choppy, unreliable, or unstable, consider the bandwidth being used in your home. If your children are home from school and working remotely or if your spouse is also working remotely or streaming media on your television, you may be using too much of your internet connection’s bandwidth.    Depending on your current service plan, too much bandwidth use may cause lagging and overall choppiness when it comes time to connect to your conference call or video stream. Turn off all additional devices that are currently connected to and using the internet before hopping into a video conference call. Conduct a speed test for your internet connection to verify that you are receiving the full speed that you are currently paying for each month.    Improving your video calls and meetings goes a long way whether you are communicating with your own team members, employees, or even clients and patients of yours. By taking the time to improve your Zoom meetings and the overall quality of your conferences, maximize the time you spend communicating with those who mean the most to you in your job and in your daily life.