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5 Ways to Stay Motivated at Work

There’s no way around it. Working can be a grind! You might dread going into work, and you’re probably looking for an escape plan to keep your sanity intact. But, if you want to succeed in your career and feel fulfilled with what you do, overcoming this feeling of being uninspired is critical. It’s not about working harder or longer hours – it’s about changing the mindset that has been holding you back from fully understanding your worth as an employee and person. Here are five ways to boost your motivation at work:   Limit your time on electronic devices Research suggests that looking at blue screens for long periods can make you more anxious and less efficient. If possible, turn off the TV and put your smartphone on snooze when working on projects or tasks that require focus; it’s easier to get lost in social media and other distractions than you think. Your perspective will be fresher, and the task will be completed more efficiently.   Stay active and move around during your workday. It’s easy to get caught up in what you’re doing and forget about taking a break. It seems like we’ve become accustomed to sitting all day at the office, but that can take a toll on your body and mind. Take breaks throughout the workday, even if it’s just five minutes of stretching and deep breathing or taking a walk around the office. These simple breaks can make a big difference.   Get enough rest It’s easy to get wrapped up in watching your favorite show until midnight, or “catching up on work” after the family has gone to bed. But these habits can leave you feeling drained. Do whatever it takes to ensure that your body can recover without sacrificing a good nights sleep. You will increase productivity if you give your body a rest, and you might find yourself with more determination to get through the day.   Have a positive attitude If you’re the type of person who gets excited about your work, everyone around you will feel that energy. It’s contagious. You do not have to be a spunky cheerleader throughout the day at the office, but if nothing else, try smiling more often. It can help with your stress, and it will make others around you feel better as well. You don’t have to force yourself to do anything you’re not comfortable with, but a positive attitude will manifest itself in many concrete ways.   Set goals and reward yourself It’s hard to stay motivated if you don’t have a set plan or a goal in mind. You can achieve this by setting smaller goals along the way and rewarding yourself when each one is reached. This will keep your eyes on the prize, so even though it may take time, you’ll be able to see progress being made.   In summation, there are many ways you can increase motivation at work. It’s not about working harder or longer hours – it’s about changing the mindset that has been holding you back from fully understanding your worth as an employee and person.